Published updated list of confiscated assets on 26 March, 2021

On 26 March, 2021 State Tax Inspectorate published an updated list of confiscated assets. This time it contains 5501 items which cost 288 041 € in total. 5405 items were already announced in previous lists and 96 confiscated assets were added for the first time. 1964 assets were removed from the list and their total cost was 97 617 €. 478 assets got a discount (among them are 63 cars). Assets were discounted by 29% (cars - by 25%) in average. AUDI AUDI A6 received the highest discount of around 36% (2022.75 €). The latest list contains 149 passenger cars and their total cost is around 97 093 € or 539 € in average for each confiscated passenger car. Top 3 confiscated passenger car manufacturers are AUDI (20), VW (16) and OPEL (12). The most expensive car in the newly added assets list is MERCEDES-BENZ, which costs 6 504 €. The cheapest one is - ZHEJIANG LINGYU VEHICLE INDUSTRY CO, which costs 30 € only.

Major sellers of mentioned confiscated passenger cars are UAB Vilmarlita (54), UAB Argimetas (28), UAB Sauda (22). UAB Vilmarlita has received the largest amount of newly published confiscated assets which total value is 18 966 €. Slightly less valued asset chunks were transferred for realization to UAB Sauda (14 164 € in total) and UAB Argimetas (13 253 € in total). This time the leader in terms of sold or written-off assets value is UAB Sauda - its balance went down by 31 913 €. The followers by the same aspect are UAB Argimetas and UAB Vilmarlita - they have managed to sell or write-off assets for total value of 27 759 € and 18 925 € accordingly.