Published updated list of confiscated assets on 27 April, 2021

On 27 April, 2021 State Tax Inspectorate published an updated list of confiscated assets. This time it contains 4018 items which cost 275 064 € in total. 4018 items were already announced in previous lists and 0 confiscated assets were added for the first time. 0 assets were removed from the list and their total cost was 0 €. 2169 assets got a discount (among them are 47 cars). Assets were discounted by 61% (cars - by 54%) in average. The latest list contains 306 passenger cars and their total cost is around 198 166 € or 569 € in average for each confiscated passenger car. Top 3 confiscated passenger car manufacturers are VW (39), AUDI (38) and OPEL (38). The most expensive car in the newly added assets list is JAGUAR JAGUAR XF, which costs 6 604 €. The cheapest one is - AUDI 80, which costs 120 € only.

Major sellers of mentioned confiscated passenger cars are UAB Vilmarlita (90), UAB Sauda (85), UAB Argimetas (56).